Board of Trustees
Preschool Registration Info
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Our greatest asset in doing this has been our talented and caring staff. Our division supervises or provides the majority of the support programs and services in the district. Following is a brief list of these support programs:
Transition Support Services
Teen Pregnancy Prevention Services
School Based Mental Health Services
School Health Services
Home Schooling
Coordination of 504 Process
Speech/Language Services
Evaluation Services
Compliance Issues
The Student Services Department directs service and support programs which enable students to work toward successful academic achievement. The staff of student services has tackled a number of initiatives and responsibilities this year including the school based mental health program, changes due to the re-authorization of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and health screenings.
We’ve spotlighted a few of the programs we provide in the following section. If you need us, you can reach us through the district’s general number: 864-206-2201 or fax: 864-902-3581.
School nurses provide preventive and emergency care as well as health education to students. When South Carolina immunization requirements change the schools work closely with our local public health agency (DHEC) to make sure our students have the necessary immunizations. Nurses also conduct preventive screening and general health screenings for vision, hearing, dental problems, scoliosis (by referral), growth and development, and blood pressure. Education about health issues such as HIV/AIDS, other communicable diseases, and first aid is provided to staff and students. Our belief is that healthy children are better prepared to learn and succeed.
In partnership with our local mental health agency, we have been able to add therapeutic counselors in a number of our schools. These counselors provide group and individual services to troubled students and family. Mr. Marty Height, Director of Cherokee County Mental Health, and I have worked together to efficiently use joint resources and planning to provide a higher level of services for children and families who need and want these services. Our thanks to the great partners at the mental health office.